Lifeline Services in Tulare County

Lifeline is a personal response system that links you to 24/7 assistance at the push of a button. This allows you to move freely about your home or yard and keep your independence with the assurance of knowing you will get the help you need should it become necessary. A Personal Response Associate will assess the situation and either contact a family member, a neighbor or emergency services.

In 2010 Lifeline introduced the new Auto Alert button. This button has the added feature of a built in “fall-detector”. If the fall-detector detects that the wearer has fallen it starts an internal 30-second countdown. If the wearer doesn’t get up…the button sends a help call! Great for those instances in which the wearer is unconscious or too confused to press the button.

We pride ourselves on the personal and caring attention we give each and every member of our Lifeline family.

Please call if you would like further information. (559) 624-2833

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Kaweah Health Lifeline?

There are several companies who offer similar personal response systems, but what sets Kaweah Health Lifeline apart from the others is our personal service. Instead of mailing the equipment for you or a family member to install, we will make a home visit and take care of it for you! If there ever is an issue that needs addressing you will know whom to call. Our Lifeline Coordinator will usually be there the same day!

How soon can I have Lifeline installed?

Most installs are done within 24 hours of your call to us! Evening and weekend installation is also available.

Can I wear the button in the shower?

All of our Lifeline buttons are completely waterproof.

Is there a contract?

No. We operate on a month-by-month basis. No contracts!

Do I get charged if I use the button?

The monthly fee is all you will have to pay. There is no additional fee no matter how many times you use your button.

Is it only for medical emergencies?

Press your button for any reason. Big or small. Can be used if you need the police or fire department as well. There will always be a calm and reassuring voice on the other end of the line.

Do I have to buy expensive equipment?

No. Your monthly fee covers the rental of the equipment.

Isn't a cell phone just as good?

Not only are cell phones not waterproof, they are not always carried around your home. Often in a panic situation a person can actually forget phone numbers!